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Tyndale Primary School

Character at Tyndale

Character Education at Tyndale

We aim to develop our pupils to be the very best version of themselves through nurturing talent, channelling creativity, exposing ambition and competing for excellence. We open our pupils up to as many possibilities as we can; from recruiting pupil leadership roles to weekly ‘enrichment’ sessions (compulsory timetabled choir, cultural studies and sport) and inspiring weekly guest speakers to spark early career ambitions.

For British Science Week, one guest speaker taught our pupils about the effects of deforestation and how this impacts climate change through a live Food, Forests and Tropical Ecology workshop. Another guest speaker from the University of Bristol inspired a love of language by providing a live German lesson.

Many pupils have achieved their bronze Sports award badge by attending multiple extra-curricular clubs. Some pupils have demonstrated their passion for caring for the planet and have gained their bronze Environmental badge by litter picking in their local area. Badges are worn with pride on our pupils’ ties.

There is more to Tyndale than academic success! Our character education offer provides the ‘wider experience’ that pupils can experience, more information can be found here: