Character Passport
Dear Parent/Carer,
Character Education and Class Passports
We have recently developed our Character Education curriculum programme and we are excited to share it with you!
Our vision at Tyndale, is that when pupils leave us in Year 6, they will have acquired the seven character habits – Ready,Respectful,Safe,Ambitious,Collaborative,Independent and Resilient.
This week, teachers will be introducing whole-class passports to their year group. Each fortnight, a class will work on their ‘Character Challenge’ that has been set in relation to the seven character habits.
Keep your eyes peeling for the fortnightly challenge posted to our class MessageBoards!
Most of the challenges will be school focused, but we also have some challenges we are encouraging to be worked towards at home, such as pupils helping to prepare a meal!
Teachers will write on the MessageBoard if it is a home challenge and we would love to see photos posted to our MessageBoard of participation!
Inside the passport, there will be space for photos of different pupils working towards their challenge, which each class can then reflect back on.
Kind Regards,
Tyndale Primary