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Tyndale Primary School


What time do we need to be at school?

The school day starts at 8:40am for Years 1 - 6 and EYFS start at 8.50am. Pupils come into their classes at 08:35 and start learning straight away. Therefore, it is essential that children arrive at school on time and ready to learn.

What happens if I’m late?

It is very important for all children to attend school every day and to arrive on time. This is essential to ensure that all pupils benefit fully from classroom learning and that other children’s learning is not disrupted. If your child is late, the gates will be shut, so they will need to be signed in by the adult dropping them off at Reception.

What does my child need in school every day?

It is vital that your children arrive at school with the resources that they need to learn. Pupils in all year groups will need to bring in their reading books every day. Pupils also need to ensure their PE kits are kept in school every day throughout the week and taken home on a Friday to be washed. Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will need to bring in their planners on a daily basis. 

Where do I buy the Tyndale uniform?

Monkhouse Schoolwear (formerly Initially Yours)

Most of our uniform can be purchased from a supermarket (polo shirt (EYFS), shirt (Y1 - 6), grey trousers, black school shoes). Monkhouse provide the Tyndale branded jumpers, kilts (optional) and the ties. If you are in receipt of Pupil Premium amd need support with uniform, please contact the school office. 

What should my child wear for PE?

A Tyndale branded PE top which can be purchased from Monkhouse, in the colour of their house (Red, Green, Blue or Yellow - please contact the school office if you do not know which colour to buy) or alternatively, a plain white t-shirt purchased from a supermarket. Shorts or joggers in a dark colour are to be worn.  

Can my child wear jewellery and hair accessories to school?

For safety reasons, children should not wear any jewellery in school except from a wrist watch and, if your child has pierced ears, small studs may be worn. Pupils are not allowed to wear hooped earrings and must remove their small studs for PE lessons or use medical tape to over them. Large, colourful hair bows and extravagant hair accessories such as animal ear headbands should not be worn. 

What do I do if a piece of uniform gets lost?

Please ensure that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled with their full name so that if they lose something it can be returned to them, if found. Any lost items will be given to the office who will endeavour to return it to the pupil it belongs to.

Can my child walk to and from school alone?

If we receive a written permission from parents/carers, Year 5 and 6 children may walk to and from school alone. Pupils in Reception to Year 4 must be collected by an adult who knows their safeguarding password or a parent/carer. 

Where can my child leave their bike?

A bike shed is provided on both KS1 and KS2 sites.  Children’s bikes and scooters can be kept in it during the school day but left at your own risk. We recommend using a bike lock. 

What are the lunchtime arrangements?

All children in KS1 can currently have a school lunch free of charge. Menus are on a 3-week cycle and are changed each term. The current term’s menu is displayed in the reception area and a copy of it is sent home with pupils each term. More information about school meals can be found here.

How do I see if I am eligible or apply for for free school meals?

Please click here to access information about pupil premium to see if you're eligible for free school meals and how to apply. 

What shall I do if my child is unwell?

If your child is too unwell to attend school. Please telephone the school office on 01454867180 before 08.40am to inform us. We closely monitor attendance and pupil absence. Our attendance policy can be found here.

What should I do if my child is prescribed medicine?

Parents can arrange to come into school to administer medication to their own children if necessary. Medication for children with asthma, severe allergies etc is kept in the classroom of your child for easy access. We can give both prescribed medicines and over-the-counter medicines to your child with your written consent.

Can I take my child out of school during term time?

No. Holidays will not be authorised during term time. Any absences (other than through illness) will be recorded as unauthorised and you may incur a fixed penalty fine.

What do I do if I have worries about my child?

If you need to speak to your child’s teacher the best time is usually at the end of the school day after all the children have been dismissed. If your concern is related to teaching and learning you can contact the school office to make an appointment with specific members of staff.

How can I help my child with their learning at home?

There are lots of things you can do to help with your child's learning. Bringing them to school on time is really important so that they are present for all of their lessons. Arriving late means that your child misses part of their lessons and it is also disruptive for them and the rest of their class.

We encourage you to work in partnership with the school by attending academic review days and events at school.

You can also help organise and run different events and volunteer to attend school trips or volunteer to hear children read.

Other important ways you can help your child, are by reading all the letters they take home, supporting them with homework, reading together every day, following us on all social media platforms and generally giving lots of encouragement and praise. 

Can my child bring toys to school?

Pupils should not bring toys and collectables (e.g. football cards) into school, unless the class teacher has specifically requested this. Before bringing in a toy, please always check with the class teacher. 

What after school clubs are there?

We have an excellent selection of extra-curricular clubs for both EYFS/KS1 and KS2 pupils every day for the whole academic year - FREE OF CHARGE! Click here to view the clubs and book your child a space.

I have some free time - how can I help?

We value any adult support at Tyndale Primary. If you would like to volunteer please ask at the main office and they will support with necessary paperwork. We are very appreciative of any time you can spare.