Early Help at Tyndale
What is Early Help?
Early Help means getting additional, timely and effective support to children, young people, and families who need it.
Providing early help is more effective in promoting the welfare of children than reacting later.
Early help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life, from the foundation years through to the teenage years.

Who are the Compass Team?
If you decide that you'd like to engage in the Early Help process (EHAP) then the school will make a referral to the Compass Team on your behalf.
- These referrals go straight to the Access and Response team and are triaged to Social Care or Compass.
- Compass is the early help side of Children’s Services.
- The purpose of Compass is to set up to help families, agencies and settings navigate to the right information and help – hence the name Compass!
- Compass provide support for all partner agencies, including schools and health​ through the EHAP process, which the school takes the lead on.
- All educational settings have an allocated partnership worker - our Compass Worker is called Dee Mooney and attends some of our pastoral drop ins which are held half termly.
What can the Compass Team offer?
Services available:
Some examples of the types of services available are:
(Please click the links for more information)
- Access to the Families Plus team for family support and parenting courses
- Support with Anxiety and successfully managing anxiety - Information for parents and carers (southglos.gov.uk)
- Managing Mental Health Mind you | A mental health and emotional wellbeing hub for young people in South Gloucestershire (southglos.gov.uk)
- Financial Support Financial support for individuals on low incomes | South Gloucestershire (southglos.gov.uk)
- Caring for Communities and People Early Help South Gloucestershire | Caring for Communities and People (ccp.org.uk)
I'm interested in Early Help, what next?
You can speak to a Designated Safeguarding Lead at school, either Ms Parkhouse (Headteacher) or Mr Crouch (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) directly, or please call or email the office to arrange a meeting.
You can go straight to the Access and Response Team by phoning 01454 866000 for advice.
Click here to see the South Glos Early Help Strategy document where you can find more information about how Early Help could be of benefit to your family.